Contentieux sériel - DANA Avocats

Contentieux sériel


Le cabinet est dédié au contentieux sériel opposant des centaines voire des milliers de consommateurs à des entreprises, nationales ou internationales, de premier plan.

Defending a group allows the firm to pool costs and to offer a litigation package adapted to the significant financial interests involved, which are cumulative.

Social networks and the press and media bring together a group of consumers who :

  • are in an unbalanced situation
  • suffer harm
  • souhaitent une issue, transactionnelle et, à défaut, judiciaire.

The information must be understood by the consumer both formally and grammatically, but also in terms of its concrete scope, in the sense that an average consumer, normally informed and reasonably attentive and aware, can assess its potentially significant economic consequences.

European consumer law, transposed into national law, is very advanced in protecting the rights of consumers, who must be informed by the trader in a clear and intelligible manner, in good time, of the particular risks involved.

The significance of the recent decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg is considerable, as European case law applies in many areas and the French courts now rely directly on it.

The firm innovates by using the most developed technologies and legal tools to deal with this type of litigation which is similar to American class actions.

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